Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014

Online Battle

On with more craziness

Battle Ruins - s/t LP - 2014 Rock 'N' Roll Disgrace RRD-015

This pair wasn't easy to get for the regular price but I got lucky. While most of the time I cannot be at the computer when limited stuff goes on sale this time I could and it was good that I was. I'm not quite sure how many minutes it took until the clear version sold out but it was definitely in the lower single digits. Of course flipsters made sure it was and still is available for ridiculous prices on discogs but I would not have gone there. I really love the Battle Ruins mix of Oi, HC and cheesy Metal but not enough to pay that much.

For the black vinyl version to sell out it took a little longer but if I remember it right it didn't take even half a day. Currently there are 8 copies for sale on discogs with the most expensive one being the one in the pictures above. That's because I could do without the black version but only if someone is crazy enough to pay that much. Or if someone wants to trade me something good. In that case I'd be more reasonable. If that doesn't happen I will gladly keep both copies. It's a great record and the first press sisters look pretty good on my shelf. The 2nd press on red I don't care about.

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