Who doesn't like No For An Answer? I bet there are not too many hands going up out there right now. Maybe a few who are into Beatdown and/ or Metalcore only but they don't count ;) Chances are if you're into Hardcore you'll love yourself some NFAA.
I myself just recently got a first pressing of their classic "you laugh e.p." on the equally classic Revelation Records when buying a Lot on ebay consisting of 8 LP's and 30 7"es of which some will be going up for sale here soon. All crucial stuff. Needless to say they are doubles here at the .LIC. headquarters.
Here are a few pictures of my way too small NFAA collection and somehow I always end up with incomplete copies. The 1st press 7" doesn't have the extra sheet with the picture of the "Poison Free" Tattoo and the LP came without the insert. Big bummer.
1st press
3rd press differences to 1st press
The pictures don't pick up the differences in color to well.
1st press on the left. White labels.
3rd press on the right. Grey labels.
Printed on the inside-sleeve is the picture that is supposed to come as an extra sheet with the 1st press. So at least I know what the thing looks like I am missing.
Ok, enough with the pictures. Let's get to what you are most curious about.
I read a post on the always delivering
X Stuck In The Past X blog about a spoken word performance by Dan O' somewhere in California. Being from Germany I won't be able to attend for obvious reasons but if there's ever going to be a spoken word tour through europe I'd definitely try my best to make it out to one of the dates. And I dare not to dream about a No For An Answer tour. I know they've been here before but that was before I was in touch with anyone who could have known about it.
Apparently the NEW NFAA 7" will be sold at said event only but unfortunately there was not much info so I searched facebook for the man himself. Found him and sure as hell wrote a message asking if he'd be willing to shed some light on the matter. If I get a reply I'll let you know.
And if by any chance you live in the US and attend the Show I'd really appreciate it if you could grab an extra copy for me. Maybe I can return the favor some day. Thanks.
of course
Double Cross has all the info we need. Finally a studio recording of Man Against Man. I HAVE TO HAVE THAT 7"!!!!!!!!!!