Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

The Robin Hood Tax

I'm not too well versed in these matters but it sounds like a great idea. Dedicate 3 minutes of your precious time to this video and maybe you also want to check out the website.

Only thing I am really sceptical towards is the way that money made from that tax will be spent. They say it's going be be used as follows (it's a site from the UK):

- 50% to fight poverty in the UK

- 25% to fight poverty in developing countries

- 25% to fight climate change at home and abroad

How would they know how the government which I think they are not a part of might spend the extra loot? Maybe it's just a suggestion but to me it looks like they are pretty much convinced of this. Strange. But all the rest seems to be pretty much on spot. Now watch that thing


And here is some more info on the Tax from the US via Dangerous Minds