Dienstag, 2. August 2011


It's not really news that the almighty Sheer Terror are... well I wanted to write back together but that's not really the case here. Anyways. They are playing Shows again and when I saw them playing Antwerp earlier this year Paul mentioned some new recordings that were about to be made.
Ever since I have been siked to death and about two weeks ago the good folks over at Reaper Records 'finally' put a new Sheer Terror 7" up for pre-order.
It might seem a little late to post about it now but if you follow this blog you will know why I didn't do so earlier but I would be damned if I didn't post about it at all.
I might be taking a wild guess here not having heard any of the new stuff so far but those new songs will probably be better than 90% of the "Hardcore" records that came out since their last release. And you know why? Because it's fucking SHEER TERROR. Go buy that shit now!

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