Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014

not the wrong choice

Somehow this was not published but only saved as a draft when I initially wrote it. Hence it's now published in-between 4 and 5.
So here we go with No. 2 of the birthday haul:

Confront - payday 7" - 1991 Dark Empire Records

This just might be the hardest straight edge record ever. Cleveland really had something going in the early 90s. Die Hard, Integrity, Confront. The holy trinity of Cleveland Hardcore.
While post-hardcore was the new big thing in other places these dudes focused on the real deal. Not many bands at the time did. Especially not that good.

I've been looking for a copy of this record for many years and was never able to track one down until recently and as I'm writing this I have another version coming my way. 2014 really turned out a great year for my collection.

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