Freitag, 27. Juli 2012

Vinyl. Music. Culture.

Oh yeah! That's what it's all about. And here is Eilon Paz using those words as a subheader for his website DUST & GROOVES. So naturally I was curious when I got my nose pointed in his direction. If you're like me and those few choice words attract you as much as they do me I strongly urge you to check out all the awesomeness this guy captures in his interviews with record collectors from all over the world and the according photos. Way interesting and beautiful in every way I tell you.

And on top of all that he has an even bigger project coming up. He wants to make an 8x8" Photography book for which he will embark on a 2 month tour across the US in September. Now that's not going to be cheap and it seems he doesn't have the funds but if you like the idea you can donate to his kickstarter campaign. There are different rewards available that you can choose from according to the amount you put in. I just tried to do that but I don't have a credit card and therefore couldn't complete the 'check-out'. Seems like my wife will have to take care of that for me.

14 days left on the kickstarter campaign. Be quick, support and repost!!


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