Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

More of the Boys from the blackstuff

Man did I not pay attention to this band in the beginning. Unfortunately that is! But ever since I saw them live at Ninja Fest in I think 2007, or was it 2008? I don't remember. And who cares? They are awesome no matter when they blew me away for the first time. I can't get enough of the DOWN AND OUTS. Sadly I never saw them live again but gladly managed to get my hands on a vinyl copy of "boys from the blackstuff" and their split 7" with Death Is Not Glamorous. For some reason their records are pretty hard to track down although I still have some copies of "friday nights, monday mornings" for sale that nobody seems to want. Escapes me! What you ask? Both! That nobody wants to buy those records from me and that at the same time I can't find their earlier output. Well.... one reason for that might be that I didn't even know about their first 7" "forever punk" from 2006. Just like I didn't know about the 2007 follow up 7" called "Minneapolis" and the split 7" w/ Offshore Radio and the 4 way split LP from 2005. Only today I had the pleasure to read about those releases on the bands facebook page when they shared some news. But now that I know about those platters I will definitely be on look out for them. The fact that today I found the split 7" that was still missing in my collection should underline that statement ;) I love it. I read about something I want to have and think I'll probably have a hard time finding it but then only a few hours later I can cross it off my list again. Let's cross our fingers the other ones will be about as easy to come by.
But hey... you might say. What about those news you mentioned? Well... they have a bandcamp. Is that news? I don't know. Maybe it's new maybe not but what's new for sure is that they are putting all the old stuff on there for everyone to download. For free? Not really but it's hella cheap. So check that out. There's info on pressings and recordings and other tidbits that sweetened the day of an old hardcore kid like me.
Now you might call that pretty lame news because you already downloaded all that stuff illegally from the web or already have all those records. Then here's something for you. Of course I saved the best part for last. The new album is finished!!! To me that's like the cherry on top of the cream on a cupcake. Good news on an already good day. Can't wait to hear the tunes and see that vinyl spin on my record player. I'm on holidays so I'll leave it at that and call it a day. Nighty night and sleep tight world.

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